
  • Trippin’ through the blogosphere…

    Did I mention my personal PC died a few weeks back? Did I mention I do my writing exclusively in the cloud? Google Docs & DropBox are my friends. Whew. My older docs were backed up on an external drive but I hadn’t moved my most recent photos so I was  thrilled the IT folks…

  • This week’s journey through the blogosphere

    But first, a meme…Before I wax eloquently (ha!) about the great reads I’ve perused recently, let’s do the meme that surfaces regularly on Facebook & other social media sites. I’ve also seen it referred to as Teaser Tuesdays but today isn’t Tuesday, so how about Teaser Thursday? (Doesn’t have quite the same ring, eh?) C’mon,…

  • Around the blogosphere

    Weekly highlights of things I’ve been reading. Fun Stuff @mmloughin Invasion of the Cosplayers: fun with Marie at the summer night market @clubjade Random House posts Scoundrels blurb: Zahn, my favorite Star Wars author, will give us a tale of Han, Chewbacca, & Lando. Can’t wait until December!! On Writing @christinenolfi: Writing Your…

  • Books, blogs, & other entertainment

    I should be working on a conference proceedings paper due on Friday but I needed a break from that task. Beta reading 2 novels has been on my to-do list these last couple of weeks. I sent comments off on one a couple of days ago. The other is an epic tome that will take…

  • I thought I disappeared…but I’m back!

    I started 5 blog posts in the last 2 weeks. Sadly, they sit unfinished, collecting dust. I went through a dry spell that started in early May, and last week I was determined to add something to this blog. I stared at those posts and said “yuck”. I tweeted that I was looking for inspiration…

  • good reads…

    Yes, and Goodreads. Jane Friedman talks about 2 Ways to Make the Most of Goodreads. I’m barely getting started over there and haven’t managed to make it a regular part of  my social media activity, whether daily or even once or twice a week. Writer friends: how are you (or are you) using Goodreads? Catherine,…