
  • Writing Medieval Lincoln – the Bishops’ Palace

    I don’t get to travel across the Atlantic as often as I would like, so I am revisiting Lincoln today through this post. I could close my eyes to wander medieval Lincoln in my mind’s eye, but it would be hard to type! I had written about Lincoln Castle and Lincoln Cathedral in previous posts and…

  • Writing Medieval Lincoln – Lincoln Castle

    I wish I lived closer to Lincoln or could have the Enterprise transporter take me the 4000+ miles in a few seconds. While I am wishing for the transporter, I might as well add a time machine to the mix. Where is the TARDIS when you need it? I didn’t have a chance to visit Lincoln until…

  • Writing Medieval Lincoln -Lincoln Cathedral

    I am standing at the top of the observatory tower of Lincoln Castle eyeing the streets of Lincoln and the magnificent Cathedral. What a fine setting for a novel, don’t you think? Yes, so did I, which is how Sir Stephan l’Aigle ends up in Lincoln in 1193 in For King and Country. But, the…