
  • Merry Christmas to You

      May you have a wonderful holiday seasonand the best to you & yours in 2019.  I hope you enjoyed Helen Hollick’s short story extravaganza on Discovering Diamonds this month featuring stories from more than 20 writers. Scroll down for the list of authors and links! I contributed this contemporary Christmas-themed story – Love in 140 –…

  • a writer’s conundrum…

    I’m about to begin a cooling off period and it’s maddening! (This morning’s snow is appropriate, eh?) Battle Scars (pt. 3) went to my beta readers on Saturday. The writer in me wants to dive back into chapter 1 and start revisions. The writer in me also knows that it’s wise to set aside a…

  • the Next Big Thing

    Welcome to the NEXT BIG THING Blog Hop. What is a blog hop? Basically, it’s a way for readers to discover authors new to them.  I hope you’ll find new-to-you authors whose works you enjoy.  On this stop on the blog hop, you’ll find a bit of information on me and one of my books…

  • celebrate… a glass of wine and a book in hand

    No e-reader? Don’t like to sit in front of a computer monitor to read a book? Have no fear! You can now purchase the trade paperback version of Keeping the Family Peace. I’ve jumped through all the hoops. Pushed all the buttons. Figured more out about Word than I ever expected to know. And finally,…

  • Adventures in self-publishing: using CreateSpace

    The journey began a few days after Christmas. Take 1 Word document and format it, convert to PDF and upload to Amazon CreateSpace. Easy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WARNING: LONG POST AHEAD! I read [some of] the online help. I’m usually pretty darn good with technology (if I do say so myself), so I had no qualms about…

  • things that come in the mail…

    The time to squee is now. 🙂 The proof of my book arrived in the mail! I did a quick check of it today and handed it over to friend Mary B. She’ll do a read-through to see if, during the adventure <insert major sarcasm here> of CreateSpace formatting, I created any typos, caused ellipses…

  • Is it still Thursday?

    This. In a Bah! Humbug! kinda way. I’m not talking about Christmas. I’m lamenting the frustrations of working with technology. Can that be my excuse for not posting my usual “Thursday Walks” yesterday? If the truth be told, my tardiness is due to two adventures that side-tracked me this week: 1) formatting my manuscript for…

  • Published a novel. Now what?

    I’m going to Disney World! (No, not really. I lived in Orlando 13 years – you’d think I’d at least post an image of the Disney castle.) Fellow author Colin F. Barnes posted his thoughts in late November about the aftermath of publishing his first novel. Time to compare our experiences. Colin (in italics) wrote:…

  • All we want is Family Peace

    All we want is Family Peace

    Huge announcement! Keeping the Family Peaceis now available at Amazon! I really hate the hard sell, so I won’t beat you over the head with it. It’s there. It was a lot of work, a fantastic journey with many friends – including my Thursday night writers group – encouraging me along the way. I’d love to…