almost there… work in progress Wednesday

Trebuchet, photo by ChrisO; shared under CC-BY 3.0

Title: Battle Scars: For King and Country
(book 2 of a series)
Current word count: @96,500 words

The writing of the most recent 8,000 words has been like pulling teeth. I want them to be good – well, I want the whole book to be good – but as I close in on the climax, my goal is to give my readers a rush of adrenaline. Forget breathing. Don’t you want those ‘oh wow’, ‘oh my God’, ‘holy @#$^!’  moments? All right – there is a bit of downtime, but your heart should pound even more when Sir Henry and Sir Stephan reunite after Stephan’s 6 month secret mission. The two knights have a lot of catching up to do…

On Friday, I had the opening lines for King Richard’s arrival in Nottingham on March 25, 1194. My weekend was a bust. Zero words, but that’s all right. It was a quality weekend with family members that left me exhausted after watching 3 of them do the 5K Rugged Maniac¹ in Weston, Missouri, and listening to the boom boom of a neighbor’s bass at 3:30 in the morning.

Writing resumed – 400 words on Monday, another 900 on Tuesday. Oh – you’re wondering about the trebuchet pictures, aren’t you? The siege weapon has been around for more than 2,000 years, but the chroniclers of the Third Crusade referred to them as stone-throwers or stone engines. I’ve used them extensively in Book 1 during the siege of Acre; and King Richard orders them to be built in this, Book 2, For King and Country. And, as you’ll discover, the stone-throwers play a big role in the novel.

The siege of Nottingham lasted 3 days. Will I finish writing it in 3 days? Don’t I wish…

(Trebuchet picture from my 2010 trip to Warwick Castle.)

And soon – very soon – I’ll have the editorial comments back for book 1, Men of the Cross. Book 2 will rest while I begin revisions and the countdown to publication begins.


¹If you want to know what a Rugged Maniac looks like at the end of the race, here’s a picture.

  1. jadey36 Avatar

    Congratulations on a seriously impressive number of words. I know the first draft of Book 2 is still not finished, but you must be feeling a huge sense of achievement at getting this far already. I’m looking forward to reading the finalised version of the first book. Did you already make a cover for it? I forget.

    1. Char Avatar

      Thanks, Jadey. Book 2 will need a lot of work, but you’re right – I can’t believe the progress I’ve made on it.

      I don’t have a cover for MoTC yet. I think I’m going to try a site called 99designs to solicit the artwork, which I’ll be working on in another month or two. I’m hoping to publish it sometime in March. Seems like ages away but it will creep up far too quickly. Check out the Work In Progress page for the latest edition of the cover/Amazon blurb. Let me know what you think!

      1. jadey36 Avatar

        Just read the Amazon blurb. It reads well. Exciting times ahead for both you and your characters! Good luck with it all.

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