Men of the Cross Review & #Giveaway on Diverse Reader
Diverse Reader loved Men of the Cross!! Thank you, Meredith. Check out Meredith’s review. Enter the giveaway for a chance to win an e-copy of this tale of war, passion, and forbidden love. You’ll also have a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card. Get over there now and enter the drawing! The drawing closes in 5 days…
Kindle Countdown Deal – Men of the Cross
Just a friendly reminder that Men of the Cross is on sale all this week for Kindle (Amazon US & UK). The sale will end on Sunday, so now is your chance to indulge yourself and curl up with a book that Professor Andrew Latham, author of The Holy Lance, calls “a vivid picture of…
Writing Medieval Lincoln – Lincoln Castle
I wish I lived closer to Lincoln or could have the Enterprise transporter take me the 4000+ miles in a few seconds. While I am wishing for the transporter, I might as well add a time machine to the mix. Where is the TARDIS when you need it? I didn’t have a chance to visit Lincoln until…
My visit to Nottingham Castle
As part of my travels in September, I was able to return to Nottingham for a half day adventure to explore the Castle. I set several scenes of For King and Country there, so you can imagine how exciting it was for me to have an opportunity to see it from the perspective of someone with research interests…
B.R.A.G. Medallion awarded to For King and Country
Thank you, indieBRAG! I am thrilled For King and Country has been awarded the B.R.A.G. Medallion. B.R.A.G. is the Book Readers Appreciation Group. Indie-published books are put through a tough review process. As indieBRAG notes on their website: This entails an initial screening to ensure that the author’s work meets certain minimum standards of quality and…
A shout-out from Sharon Kay Penman
August slipped past and I never managed to mention that the lovely Sharon Kay Penman mentioned both For King and Country and Men of the Cross on her blog at the end of July. Sharon writes: “I think they might be of interest to my history-loving, book-loving readers and friends.” What a thrill to have my books noted by a best-selling author…
Voting begins today – Summer Indie Book Award
VOTE EARLY AND DAILY!! Both of my historical fiction novels – Men of the Cross and For King and Country – have been nominated by a lovely reader for a Summer Indie Book award in the historical category. Readers can vote once a day Sept. 1 – 11. You can even vote for both books! Vote here! Metamorphic…
Author Interview: Helena P. Schrader
“..Jerusalem was lost. The site of Christ’s Passion. The home of the Holy Sepulcher. Lost. What was there left to fight for?”–Envoy of Jerusalem It is the year 1187. Saladin has crushed Christian forces at the Battle of Hattin and secured almost every city in the Kingdom of Jerusalem for his own, including Jerusalem. Author…