
  • Betrayal comes in many forms… and on many blogs

    I recently stopped by Alison Morton’s blog to talk about the big or little events or moments that might inspire a writer. If you’ve been around here for a while, you’ll know a couple of scenes in a television show set off my curiosity about Richard the Lionheart and the Third Crusade. That led to…

  • Echoes awarded a B.R.A.G. Medallion

    Thank you, indieBRAG! I am thrilled Echoes of the Storm has been awarded the B.R.A.G. Medallion. B.R.A.G. is the Book Readers Appreciation Group. Indie-published books are put through a tough review process. As indieBRAG notes on their website: This entails an initial screening to ensure that the author’s work meets certain minimum standards of quality and…

  • Audio excerpt – Men of the Cross – read by Angel Martinez

    Listen to Angel Martinez read an excerpt from Men of the Cross I want to thank Angel for offering authors like me an opportunity to introduce Sir Henry & Sir Stephan to her listeners. This excerpt is from chapter 17 of the novel, hours after the horrendous massacre of 2,700 prisoners ordered by King Richard…

  • Betrayal is here!

    Betrayal, treachery, treason, deceit, perfidy—all names for the calculated violation of trust. And it’s been rife since humans trod the earth. A promise brokenA mission betrayedA lover’s desertionA parent’s deceptionAn unwitting act of treasonBetrayal by comradesBetrayal by friends Could you resist the forces of misplaced loyalty, power hunger, emotional blackmail, or plain greed? Is there ever…

  • Meet debut author Ginger Smith

    Ginger is a new author friend that I met through the #TranspatialTavern on Google Meet. Her debut novel comes out on November 10. Pre-order it now (link below) like I did! I talked Ginger into answering a few questions in this mini-interview: Where did you get the initial idea for your book? Well, ever since…

  • Cover Reveal – Betrayal is coming

    A promise broken. A mission betrayed. Betrayal is coming! Find out what treachery lies behind the cover. Meet the authors, hang out, and ask questions on our Facebook group. We’ll introduce the authors beginning Monday, October 19, and then post teasers about the stories of Betrayal. From our Press Release New Historical Fiction Collective Launches…

  • Book recs and mini interviews; and Writing, then & now

    Book recommendations & mini interviews Last month, I reviewed R.W.W. Greene‘s The Light Years – highly recommended. I had asked Rob where he got the initial idea for the book. His response: The short version is the shower. I’d just gotten home from a sci-fi convention, and I had a lot of thoughts whirling in…

  • Talking about the book: His Castilian Hawk by Anna Belfrage

    Title:  His Castilian HawkAuthor: Anna Belfrage A bit about the author Anna Belfrage wanted to become a time-traveller but ended up as a financial professional with a passion for writing and history. She is the author of a 9 book time travel series, a 4 book historical fiction series in the medieval era, and has…

  • At the starting block (again)

    In an earlier blog post, I mentioned I put aside work on my Robin Hood novel in May. But I have good news for fans of my medieval historical fiction. I dove back into the rough draft of Rogue in early August. The manuscript was sitting at just over 45,000 words (about 180 pages). I…