After I shipped the manuscript off to Marie last week, I heaved a huge sigh of relief until I looked at the list of items yet to be checked off. But, wow! Getting closer. Here’s an update on the status of that long task list:
1. Book cover design
I have contracted with for the cover. I am expecting to see some design options by the end of this week! And based on initial emails, I think Travis & I have identified the cover concept for Book 2 as well!
2. Blurb writing for Amazon, Barnes & Noble, my website, back cover, etc.
I have several versions of the blurb – the back cover one needs to be a bit shorter than anything I put up on the other sites. I’ll share those attempts at writers group on Thursday.
3. Prepare an author’s note to include at the end of the book & acknowledgements for the front matter
All in process and coming along nicely.
4. Last round of editing based on Marie’s comments
Expecting to see these around March 1.
5. Book cover reveal!
This will happen sometime in March!
6. Insert 2 maps to accompany book
Currently looking for an artist to do the maps.
7. Convert Word .doc for e-book version & review the manuscript again & again and prepare the manuscript for the print-on-demand version
I am going to experiment with Scrivener’s conversion software. I’m not sure it has the flexibility of manually coding for .mobi and .epub formats, but while I’m waiting for Marie’s comments I thought it might be time well spent.
8. Send out a few ARCs (advanced reader copies)
n/a (yet)
9. Hit the publish button
n/a (yet)
10. Market the book here, there, and everywhere
I originally meant this as post-publication, but essentially I am already marketing & attempting to build interest in my novel through this blog, Facebook & Twitter. (Spread the word, people!) 🙂
I’m also doing face-to-face marketing though I’m not very pushy about it. The coffee baristas at Radina’s asked what I was doing on Sunday. (Radina’s is my favorite writing venue!) I mentioned the novel and one of the girls asked what genre. When I told her historical fiction she got very excited and told me she’d love to read it. I shared the my current version of the book blurb with both young ladies and their eyes lit up.
And in other news…
#SCOTD = SoundClouder of the Day. Way to go, Joel!
Winter Blue, a tranquil track from #SCOTD Arbitrary Sky, is a quiet hymn like folk song, as gentle as falling snow:
— SoundCloud (@SoundCloud) February 5, 2014
Life is good.
Sword & shield graphic by angelfire7508
distributed under CC-BY-SA3.01
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