trim it, cut it, lather, rinse, repeat…


No, I didn’t get a haircut.

I’m attempting to revise the 1st draft of my novel.

Reading JW Manus, I’m probably not doing as much as I should to get into the joy of cutting. I must say, however, that I particularly enjoyed reading one of her descriptions of Explainery:

“A trees grows and the writer explains what the tree is and how it came to be in that particular spot. Strike it all.”

Love it!

Descriptions gone wild? Oh yes, this even applies to me, the person who complains that narrative is the toughest part of novel writing. I’ve actually been told during critique sessions that I don’t need to say pummeled and slammed within the same sentence related to surfers. So I got carried away. I’ll fix it. Promise. And no, my novel is not about surfers in case that piqued your interest but I hope you’ll still want to read it!

On a side note, Mike Stackpole has one cool mom. I’ll be interested to see Mike’s analysis of Kindle Select. A number of other writers have mentioned their numbers, here and here. It may be something I’ll choose to do when the time comes.

creative commons flickr image by patrino_io 

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